Ep. 11: Want to Get Involved? Here’s Our Menu of Opportunities!

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Our Menu of Opportunities

The most frequent question we’re asked is, “What can I do to help?” As a child welfare advocacy organization, we know there are thousands of children in Massachusetts who need foster families. But we also know not all families are in the position to foster. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean there is no role for you! Whether you want to join our community as a foster or adoptive parent, a volunteer, a child welfare professional, or civic-minded business leader, we would love to have you!

There is no shortage of need, so at AOK, have a true menu of opportunities for involvement in both our organization and the foster care world. Click to listen to AOK Founders, Kyle and Marianna, discussing the myriad opportunities available and why it’s so important for everyone to get involved.

And click below for more information about the following options:

  • Get Informed and Spread the Word. Read our blog, listen to our podcast, read through the info on our website, sign up for our newsletter
  • Share information with friends and family — never underestimate the power of raising awareness!
  • Offer Your Skills & Talents – no matter what you have to offer, we will put it to good use!
  • Donate to Our Organization or Others – small nonprofits benefit enormously from financial donations. Find one you think is doing great work — there are so many in Western MA – and support them!
  • Volunteer at One of Our Special Events — we are always in need of volunteers to help us make our events a success!
  • Become a CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates are needed to help the court make important decisions regarding appropriate placements for foster children.
  • Become a Volunteer Foster Care Reviewer – every six months, the case of every child in foster care is reviewed by a panel of social workers, attorneys, and community volunteers.
  • Welcome Children Into Your Home – Okay, okay… we know not everyone is able to become a foster or adoptive parent, but if you’ve been thinking about it, saying “maybe one day…” Maybe the time is now!

For more information, call or email us, or attend an upcoming event!


  1. Guy on January 30, 2018 at 2:13 am

    We are pre-adoptive with kids from the Worcester area. Their CASA worker is still with them and she drives out to our house and meets with us.

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