Be Part of the Fabric of Our Community — Purchase a Quilt Square and Support AOK!
At our events you’ll likely find a table with blank cloth squares. As children arrive they are invited to color and create — making their own masterpiece.
Coloring for a child is pure. They draw what they’re thinking, not worried about perfection. In their own way, stick figures and potato people can be beautiful.
We now have a collection of these beautiful creations and we need your help to make a quilt showcasing the drawings.
But our kids can’t do it alone and neither can we.
Reflecting the real life of children in foster care, neighbors are working together to enrich the lives of those in need. As members of the community purchase quilt squares, they will be personalized with embroidery and woven together with the children’s squares. With each purchase our quilt becomes bigger and stronger.
This is truly the “Fabric of our Community.”
Once completed, the quilt will be displayed throughout the region to raise awareness about foster care and celebrate amazing children and their families. The money raised will be used by All Our Kids to continue to hold events, help foster families, and work on upcoming projects.
To purchase, simply go to our ordering page. Once you submit the form, you will be directed to make your secure payment through Paypal.
Strengthen the entire community by improving the lives of children and families in foster care.
Quilt squares made by children at an All Our Kids event